Monday, June 23, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend

Happy Monday! We had a crazy weekend, but a great one! Jonas got back from attending scout camp at Skymont at about 1 am on Saturday. He was tied and cranky! He'll never admit it, but he was! He had fun with the boys, but was definitely ready to come home. He said sleeping in a cot in a platform tent was a whole lot easier at 14 rather than 30! He woke up bright and early to take the boys to a baseball camp at AT&T Field. I stayed at home with Cole who is still too little for some things, much to his dismay. It was a free camp sponsored by Chevy. They had a great time! They practiced hitting and fielding techniques with the Lookouts players. They're a AA affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds. My husband tried to pass for 12, so he could play on the field too.... but no such luck! :^) Oh... and they had lunch too. It was a really good day for them!

We decided to go back to the field to watch a ball game that night. This time with just each other. We left the kids with their Uncle Mike so we could have some time together. Jonas has been out of town so much this month that we desperately needed a date night. It was a great game. The Lookouts ended up winning 4-3. We stayed for the fireworks afterwards and then went out to dinner downtown at The Big River Grill with some friends. I had a hot dog and the game and wasn't too hungry, so I went straight for the good stuff. Key Lime Cheesecake. YUMMY! Jonas got a mushroom/swiss burger. I think mushrooms are best left on the ground. After all they are considered a fungus, but whatever. He said it was really good. Anyways, Chattanooga really has a nice downtown and it is especially beautiful at night. We stayed out a bit later than we intended, but we came home to the kids all in bed asleep and it was just a really good day.

We got up and went to church on Sunday, ate some lunch and got Jonas all packed up to leave again. He got in to Daytona Beach around midnight. He's hoping his work will get done soon there and he'll be back mid week. I've been reading a lot in the evenings. House cleaning and cooking is another story... :^) Why bother. We've been hitting a lot of drive thru's. I'm contemplating taking the kids to Chuckee Cheese, but I'm not sure how brave I'm feeling or if I want the headache that comes after. We have plans to go to the pool and the library this week. They are looking forward to it. The summer really is flying by.

So, that was our weekend. I'm sure I'll have another update soon!

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