Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bits and Pieces from the week

It's been a busy week. I'm looking forward to the long weekend. Some things that happened this week:

* Cole decided to wipe out on the pavement. Unfortunately he gets his coordination from me, his mother. No.... He there was no exciting bike wreck, no collision between brothers, etc. He was just walking outside on the driveway and tripped over his own feet. Poor thing. He gets it from me. It takes talent to not only fall down the stairs, but to trip UP them as well. No hope for him I'm afraid. He wasn't too thrilled when I decided to make this little accident a "Kodak moment." Now, he proudly displays his "road rash" to just about anyone. Oh and he was heard saying (about his "boo boo") "I LOVE it!." BOYS!

* Jonas this week was complaining about an unruly child in his class. He said... "Mom, I'm POSITIVE he forgot to take his medicine this morning!"

* We had pizza and movie night last night. We've been taking turns picking some of the "old" movies that we remember watching growing up. This week's was "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." The COOL version with Gene Wilder, not the weird one with Johnny Depp. Don't get me wrong... I love me some Capt. Jack, but he is and never will be Willy Wonka to me. Anyways, Cole was watching it with me and the part where Wonka takes them on that weird boat ride, he turns and tells me he's not going to watch this part. I asked him... "Why is it a little scary?" He said... "No, it's a LOT scary!"

*We were driving around town running some errands and Jeremiah out of nowhere says.. " I was just thinking.... I wonder if I can get a job as a candy taster when I grow up?" Now keep in mind, this was before we watched the Willy Wonka movie. In fact, I believe it's what gave us the idea in the first place. This, of course, is the kid that woke me up one morning when he was three. I heard some noise in the kitchen and there he was standing with the refrigerator door open and DRINKING the Hershey syrup out of the bottle.

* Last thing... Jonas and I went out on a date Thursday evening. We got a babysitter and went to O'Charley's. I was really nice! Before we left, Jonas told the boys he's pay them 10 cents for every pile of crab grass they pulled out of the yard. Our yard is covered in the stuff. We got back after being gone just a short time and our driveway was lined with PILES and PILES of the crab grass. Whoever said money isn't an incentive? Needless to say my husband is about $20 poorer. :)

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