Friday, September 12, 2008

One "SWEET" Day

So... This is a picture of me after making and bagging 350 bags of cotton candy. Granted, I didn't do it alone, we had lots of help. We've been selling coupon books in Hamilton County. The're actually a pretty good deal. They have coupons for several places all over Chattanooga and only cost $10. The school actually gets to keep 7 out of the ten, so it's the most productive fundraiser out of the whole year. Anyways, the PTA has thought of incentives for each day that the kids bring in their money. Friday was "cotton candy day." Wow... What a fun day it was. The school owns a cotton candy machine, but when we plugged it in this morning it didn't work. Lovely. After calling a couple rental places we found one and got to work. 4 and a half hours later it was done. The whole school smelled of cotton candy and the kids were delighted with their puffy bags of the pink and blue stuff. I was COVERED from head to toe with it! My husband had to take a picture and the Principal nicknamed me "fluffy." The best part.... We get to do it all over again next Friday. I'm think that snowcones sound liek a better idea for next year! :)